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Magnalith — Oblivion

Every so often, a musical effort comes along that reinvents the wheel. Magnalith… has done that. Oblivion is a beautiful cacophony of aggression and melancholy… Any Metal fan would find something to love with this EP. ★★★★★ (Muzic.net.nz)

Magnalith — Instrumentality

Coming to grips with the song, I was reminded of the soaring theatrics of Devin Townsend accompanied in certain areas by the skewed perspectives of Danny Elfman, the emotive expression of A Perfect Circle, the cold piano tone of The Exorcist theme song, and some of the modal mixtures favoured by Muse, all over a sonic setting that felt like something out of Dune. ★★★★ (Muzic.net.nz)

Domes — Vol. I

This collection marks the anniversary of the first release in a cycle of six songs—bringing together the full work in an easy to stream/download package. The exclusive Bandcamp download includes digital booklet with lyrics and mobile wallpaper of the singles' cover artwork.

‘R’ is… a great track to listen to, while you sit and ponder on humanity’s relative insignificance in an unfathomably large universe. ★★★★★ (Muzic.net.nz)

New Zealand metal/rock/progressive music is so diverse and exciting, and [‘Time and Relative Dimension in Space’] is a statement about how Domes does it. ★★★★★ (Muzic.net.nz)

[‘Malady’ has] devastatingly good peaks and troughs of intensity with some fantastic harmony. ★★★★★ (Muzic.net.nz)

Decortica — 11811

The mysteriously titled new album 11811 continues the group’s custom Muse-gone-Diamond Eyes branch of stylin’ alt rock that fans of either group or anything remotely Australian-sounding should find pretty darn peachy… And the songs are pretty wicked too. (MetalSucks)

…perfectly realises a vision/version of metal that is driving and pulsing, constantly seeking and searching, never leaden… There’s a Cornell-type scream here and there is something of a leaner (meaner?) Mastodon too. But where 11811 really delivers is in the fact that it’s short and sharp but never unnecessarily brutal. There is heart and soul within these songs. In fact there are songs – that’s a start; often that’s the biggest struggle for music that identifies with (modern) metal. (Off the Tracks)

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